I Did What I Couldn’t!

I couldn’t contain myself! I water-colored yesterday. The sky was blue, the air was warm, the reds, yellows and greens were on the trees and life was sweet. Oh sure, I could have stayed home to tackle the laundry that is on the verge of crossing the end zone without me. I could have answered the mail that hasn’t seen the light of day for months. I could have transplanted a houseplant that has grown too big for its britches. I could have written.

I love doing all these things, but did I?


I did what I couldn’t–and that was to contain myself.

I called my friend Karen, who couldn’t contain herself either. We found a granddaddy tree, set up our portable studios and PAINTED!

My new mantra yesterday turned out to be, “Oh, my God, this feels good!”

My tail was waggin’ and my nose was wet!

As we painted, a sudden movement caught my eye. I glanced up to see a young lady walk by on the sidewalk. She was pushing a gray-haired woman in a wheelchair. The seated woman held her stuffed bunny close to her chest in her left hand. With her right she waved to the world with fervor, unashamed of the pure joy she felt. For an instant, our eyes locked. While there didn’t appear to be any reasoning ability in hers, I knew she didn’t need to understand joy–she was joy! She simply could not contain it!

My smile and wave matched hers.

“Oh, my God, this feels good!”

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12 Responses to I Did What I Couldn’t!

  1. Francie Parr says:

    You’re such a good model for me! I want to do just what you did…..do what I can’t contain!!!! Way to go Gayle! Beautiful watercolors to boot! Hugs, Francie

  2. Siobhan says:

    Hi Gayle..i love your blogs!! Always make me smile..and you so appreciate the good things in life..all the things money cant buy. Siobhan

  3. Carolyn Ayres says:

    I enjoy seeing the product of your venturing out to watercolor the Fall trees. I also see the playfulness behind all that you do, which is more about the experience than the product. I am inspired by this. What a brilliant way to live! Carolyn♥

  4. Joyce says:

    Gayle, you make my heart feel good! Thanks for sharing this beautiful season and your beautiful spirit- Joyce

  5. liz says:

    As I read this I think of the ability to learn living continuously and the rapture you convey in discovering rediscovery. The color in the trees, the young and the old, the old becoming the young, ripe vibrance becoming tomorrow’s shed leaves. And the courage involved in doing what somewhere along the way we learned was impossible. Painting. Boldy. And with company…
    Gayle- just love you!!!! Grateful to read this today!

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