The Upside to Going Downhill

All downhill from here!

Riding my bicycle to the small community of Big Bend would be 17 miles of



Yee-hawing downhill.

Or so I thought!


The first uphill wasn’t too bad.  Neither was the second, third, fourth and however many more hills I climbed.  Somewhere along the way I lost count.



Isn’t that just like life?  We’re on a glorious ride, thinking everything is free-wheeling, heart-thumping, Yee-hawing, and we pedal smack dab into a hill.  We can’t turn around and go back to easy again, because now there’s another hill.  We either go up or give up!

I’ve come to discover that it doesn’t matter how we make it up that hill.  We can attack it with all our might, pedal slowly, walk our bikes or hitch a ride.  What does matter is that we keep climbing.





My advice to achieve that goal is to surround yourself with fellow riders who support you, even when you snivel, whine or complain that your legs are burning.  Because when they are happy to ride with you anyway, you seem to rise to the occasion.  That’s when uphill becomes a





Yee-hawing downhill adventure.


Besides, you never know what rewards you will find at the end of the trail.

Mike & Joy!


Reward at the end of the trail













How does sitting in a natural hot springs cooled by river water sound?  If you like the idea, maybe next time you will join us.

The Sweet Life

Just remember, it doesn’t matter if you’re going up or down, as long as you’re going!


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8 Responses to The Upside to Going Downhill

  1. shirley black says:

    wow what a fun trip you guys had.
    thank you for your blogs they make
    me look at things, really look at
    things. i love you Gayle

  2. gayle says:

    I love looking at your love! 🙂
    You’ve probably been to the hot springs, too. If not, give them a dip.
    I love you!

  3. Pam Kuykendall says:

    I love reading your blog, you inspire me to live life to the fullest. Thank you!

    • gayle says:

      That’s what I like to hear–thank you! Anyone recently returning from the ocean beach knows how to do just that!

  4. Hi Galye I love reading your blog. Your life is full and you are truly blessed! I did get together with a friend to help me out and it went very well indeed. Enjoy your cycling!

    • gayle says:

      Hi Debra, Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. Each of us are blessed to have The Sweet Life! I still can’t find your friend Patricia’s blog. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  5. Linda Hoye says:

    It’s often true in life too, that when we persevere and make it through the hard times, we find simple gifts on the other side. Great post!

    • gayle says:

      “Simple Gifts” sounds like a great title for a post to your blog! I’ll look for it one day. 🙂 As soon as I can figure out how to do so, I’ll post a link on my site to yours. I’ll persevere at learning WordPress!

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